Key Features:

  • Hinged roof window for pitched roofs
  • UKCA and CE marked to EN 14351-1:2006+A2:2016
  • Available in manual or chain actuated variants
  • Thermally broken aluminium extrusion with polyamide breaks
  • Qualicoat approved dual colour framework
  • Heat soak tested toughened low e glass as standard
  • Internally mounted power supply input 230v
  • output 24v DC 300W
  • Optional remote control/rain sensor (chain actuated only)


To find out more about design considerations for your project, contact us on 01379 658 300 or request a CPD.

The Pitchvent can be used at roof pitches between 15° and 60° and comprises of a Qualicoat approved, powder coated dual colour aluminium frame, combined with either double or triple glazing options.

This unit is available as either a manually operated unit, using a screw jack and pole mechanism or as a chain actuated variant, supplied with one or two actuators, depending on specification.

When compared to traditional roof windows, the Pitchvent is available in much larger sizes, thus increasing the amount of natural ventilation in your building.


Double or triple glazing options

 Available as either a manually operated unit or  as a chain actuated variant

Available in larger sizes

Optional remote control/rain sensor


UKCA and CE marked to EN 14351-1:2006+A2:2016

Heat soak tested toughened low e glass as standard

Qualicoat approved dual colour framework

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